There are many tips to talk about when it comes to safely towing a vehicle. Like anything else in life, it starts with the basics and then there are the tips that only professionals who have experience can give you. Thinking about it, I believe that both kinds are equally important if one wants to tow a vehicle while keeping both the vehicle and the people involved in the process safe. So, let’s go through the main tips, starting with the basics and proceeding to the more advanced ones.
Make Sure the Tow Truck Works Properly
Guess this is the first thing to start with – making sure the truck works properly and more than that, make sure the truck you use is meant to tow. Otherwise, you may cause serious damage to your truck, to the vehicle you’re trying to tow, and maybe even to you or someone standing next to you as you start the towing process.
Make Sure the Towing Method you Choose Matches the Towed Vehicle
There are different types of towing – dolly towing, flatbed towing, heavy-duty towing, motorcycle towing, wrecker towing, etc. You must figure out what type of towing the situation requires and then think whether your tow truck is able and fitted to perform the needed towing procedure. Trying to use a tow truck that doesn’t meet the situation’s requirements or trying to perform a tow that isn’t meant to be done with the truck you use – may lead to the same risks we’ve mentioned above.
Make Sure the Towed Vehicle is Secure
Take an extra minute to ensure you’ve secured the vehicle properly before starting to drive – not sure if I should explain the reason behind this one, and I bet you can imagine the horror of the vehicle getting loose in the middle of the road. Use the straps and any other safety measures you have. If you don’t have the means to secure the vehicle, do not perform the towing – it is not only against the law, it could also be a matter of life and death.
Drive Slowly
When you tow a vehicle, it is important to remember to drive slower than you usually do. The truck is heavier than it usually is, as it carries the weight of another vehicle, and that means more cumbersome maneuverability and slower stopping. You should always take that under advisement when driving the truck.
Breaks Related Considerations
There are 3 main things regarding breaks and towing – first, make sure the truck’s breaks are in full operation. The truck is carrying extra weight and it needs the breaks’ full power to stop it. Secondly, when you use the breaks while towing a vehicle use them by tapping carefully so they won’t burn out. Also – keep your distance from other drivers out there on the road.
Last recommendation is to always carry extra straps on your tow truck. They tend to tear more than you’d expect – so keep it all in mind, and have a safe towing!