There is nothing more dangerous than driving under the influence. A fun night out with your friends could end up in tragedy if you take control of the wheel intoxicated. Drunk driving attributes to one of the top leading causes of death each year in the United States. A few drinks could not only endanger your life and the lives of others on the road, it could also land you in jail with a DUI charge. Police can randomly pull you over if they suspect you of drunk driving. The officer might also conduct a field sobriety test in which you must walk a straight line without staggering or wobbling for 30 seconds or so. They will conduct a breathalyzer test to check your BAC or blood alcohol content. If your BAC is over a certain percentage, you can wind up in jail for the night or for a much longer extended stay. In addition to the jail charge, your vehicle might also be impounded on the spot. Alcohol impairs your ability to think or see straight.
Driving under the influence is a major problem that can affect anybody at any given time. It only takes a split second to miss a turn signal, crash into a post, or collide head-on with another driver in a passing lane. Police as well as lawmakers are extremely strict about a DUI offense. Each year, many innocent lives are taken due to drunk driving. If you decide to go out and have a fun time with your friends at a bar or a party, make sure you have a designated driver or hail a taxi. There are actually applications on your smartphone that hail a taxi for you. You should never attempt to put the key into the ignition if you’re under the influence of alcohol. One bad decision could end up costing you, your friends and innocent victims their lives on the dangerous highways. The bottom line is safety, so make sure you hail a cab or have a designated driver if you wish to have a few drinks. Stay safe, stay alive!
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